March 21: Lazy Daze
Sometimes, you find that you’ve spent the day doing little that could be considered “productive.” While I’m usually capable of justifying those kinds of days on a normal basis, I think it’s especially important to realize their value now.
In light of the inactive, mild, remarkably lazy day I had today, I’ll keep this piece incredibly short, and not just because it’s almost 11 PM, I nearly forgot to write something, and I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open.
My recap of the day:
I woke up around 9 am. I resolved to stay in my pjs all day because why not. I played Animal Crossing. I ate instant ramen. I watched some anime. I played Animal Crossing again. My Switch started to die, so I plugged it in and resumed watching anime. I also scrolled through Tumblr periodically. I had to help cut my step dad’s hair on the deck and did a decent job, I guess. I watched anime. We got Chili’s delivered for dinner (no contact; they just left it on the porch, which is good for the safety of the drivers). I played some more Animal Crossing. My mom and step dad watched Rocket Man, and I sort of paid attention because, again, I was playing Animal Crossing. I relocated to my bedroom and changed into new pajamas. I opened my laptop to write something brief.
So even without a lot in regards to productivity, my daily activities still amounted to a paragraph, even if there was some repetition.
Look, if I were defined by a deadly sin, it would probably be sloth. I don’t like to exert myself in most cases, I get tired easily, and given the choice between doing something and Not Doing That, I’d probably at least be tempted to opt for the latter. However, modern society doesn’t like that very much; inactivity is laziness, in its eyes, and if you aren’t doing something “productive” (re: profitable), then you are wasting time.
I don’t much like the phrase “wasting time,” especially when it is in reference to time spent enjoying something, whether it’s a video game, a TV show/movie, a craft, whatever. That isn’t wasted time. We need that kind of a stimulus to stay sane.
Oh, we’re back on sanity and creativity. How appropriate. These things are just free-write exercises for me, so when we come full circle, it shocks me. I’m never this organized with my thoughts.
Long story short, I may have spent the entire day in my pajamas, and I may have spent many hours playing Animal Crossing, but that is okay for a few reasons: 1) what else am I supposed to do on a Saturday right now? 2) it was fun and relaxing and 3) this kind of lifestyle isn’t sustainable, not for me, because I will get bored and lethargic quickly and long for something else. I may be lazy but I’m also easily disinterested. Let’s see if that translates into finished projects, language learning, and more over the next few weeks.
I might also just spend a lot of time playing Animal Crossing. I have a mammoth skull in my house. #Goals.