March 22: A Walk in the Cemetery
This will be a short one since I was too tired last night to write anything and have thus failed to write every day this quarantine season. Oh, well. I’ll make up for it by writing twice today, because I cannot go without mentioning my goose story from this morning.
In light of my very lazy Saturday, I didn’t want to spend another day entirely in my pajamas, but I did, once again, play quite a bit of Animal Crossing. I am motivated by simple tasks, DIY projects, and cute animals, I guess. Sunday, I spent some time with my father, who has taken time off work to self-isolate. He works with adults who experience certain mental challenges, and they do production work in their warehouses with these individuals for various companies. That work has since ceased due to statewide restrictions, so rather than be placed in a different area of work for the foreseeable future, Kevin decided to take some time off. I respect that choice, but he is a prime candidate for cabin fever. We’ll see how it goes.
When I visited him, we decided to go for a walk since it was nice out. It was on the cooler side yesterday, but I live for this true spring weather. Our usual haunt (hah) when we take walks is, of course, the nearby cemetery. This started about half a decade ago when I felt the compulsion to take a walk there on Christmas morning. Cemeteries get a bad reputation, and I get it; there are a lot of corpses and ashes there, but there’s also a lot of history, memories, and nature. It’s peaceful, and for a fan of the macabre such as myself, all these things combined makes for a perfect destination.
Being out in the fresh air was pleasant. I admittedly haven’t been out of the house much because, as I mentioned in a previous post, I’m lazy. However, I love taking walks. It’s good for the joints, and all that.
We also ventured to one of my favorite stores, Grocery Outlet (Bargain Market) where I purchased three pounds of bacon (six bucks, y’all), fresh asparagus, and whatever else I put in the cart. I don’t even remember. I’m sure I bought some cheese.
With our dinner (grilled cheese sandwiches and frozen pierogies), I tossed the asparagus in some grapeseed oil, topped it with salt and pepper, and roasted it for about fifteen minutes. I don’t have many opportunities to cook due to my commute, my family’s preferences for dinner times, and a general lack of interest in purchasing separate groceries while I’m still living at home (paying off my student loans is a priority and even with this current weird situation we’re in, I’m still aiming to pay the remaining amount in April). But that dinner, however simple, was delicious.
I’m also planning on making asparagus with some black pepper bacon as a side for dinner tonight. Looking forward to it.
My insights from Sunday:
- Get some fresh air when you can.
- Eat tasty food.
- Play Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
And be sure to follow along with Erin Walker’s quarantine adventures!